April 3 Monday
April 4 Tuesday
April 5 Wednesday
April 6 Thursday
April 7 Friday
April 8
– Arrival
16:00-19:30 Registration
20:00 Dinner
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:15-9:30 Welcome address
Chairs: Vincenzo De Laurenzi/ Michael Hahne
– Majorini Maria Teresa -Cellular inhibitor of apoptosis 1 (cIAP1)-mediated regulation of Snai2 in breast cancer metastatization.
– Fehrenbacher Nicole -Identification of GPR31 as a Novel Mediator of Kras Membrane-Association
– Kumar Gunjan– A urine chondroitin sulfate detection system informs on bladder cancer disease burden to predict efficacy of VAR2-based cytotoxic targeting strategies.
– Ausserlechner Michael– Nuclear, PKB-phosphorylated FOXO3 predicts adverse clinical outcome and promotes tumorangiogenesis of neuroblastoma tumors in vivo
– Rafn Bo -Oncogenic tyrosine kinase regulation of ROS in epithelial cells
10:45-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:45 -Session 2- CELL DEATH AND CANCER PROGRESSION -2
Chairs: Jan Paul Medema / Gianluca Sala
– Daugaard Mads -Oncofetal glycosaminoglycans in cancer
– Schoeler Katia -Apoptosis via the miR-17~92-Bim axis in Development and Cancer
– Sorensen Poul -YB-1 regulates metabolic adaptation and cancer progression through selective mRNA translation
– Leeksma Alexander – SF3B1 mutations in cancer lead to an altered DNA damage response, and splice products that are substrates for nonsense-mediated decay
– Giammona Alessandro Characterization of subcutaneous and visceral adipose-derived stem cells and their function in colon cancer.
– Aaboe Jensen Mads -RNA Therapeutics – developing a new class of drugs
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:15 -Session 3- TNF family members and cancer
Chairs: Michael Hahne / Mads Daugaard
– Bertrand Mathieu JM -N-glycosylation of TRAIL-R restrains the sensitivity to TRAIL-induced apoptosis
– Peall Adam– Investigating the Mechanism of Protein Kinase C-mediated Inhibition of TRAIL-Induced Apoptosis
– Iurlaro Raffaella – Glucose deprivation induces FADD and caspase-8 dependent apoptosis through ATF4-mediated TRAIL-R2/DR5 up-regulation
– Manfroi Benoît – Tumor-derived CXCL-8 recruits APRIL-producing neutrophils in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma lesions
– van Attekum Martijn -Macrophages induce chronic lymphocytic leukemia cell survival via translational MCL-1 stabilization, independent of APRIL signaling
16:15-16:45 Coffee Break
16:45-18:30 -Session 4- Targeted cancer therapy
Chairs: Giorgio Stassi/Ulrich Maurer
– Pérez Silva Laura– Targeted melanoma therapeutics contribute to tumor relapse
– Del Mistro Greta– Impact of sublethal drug doses on melanoma cell behavior and tumor relapse
– Roca Maria Serena – Synergistic antitumor activity of histone deacetylase inhibitors and anti-ErbB3 antibody in NSCLC primary cultures via modulation of ErbB receptors expression.
– Sala Gianluca – HER-3: hub for escape mechanisms
– Babcook John -Translating Cancer Target Discovery Into Drugs
– Tabero Andrea – New combinational strategies to increase cell death in Photodynamic Therapy
– Martín-Antonio Beatriz Transfer of histone variant H2AZ from cord blood derived NK cells (CB-NK) to multiple myeloma cells (MM) is cytotoxic for MM cells. This cytotoxicity can be independent of CB-NK
19:30 Dinner
9:30-10:45 -Session 5- Cancer therapy
Chairs: Gerry Melino/Anastasis Stephanou
– Ellegaard Anne Marie-Repurposing cationic amphiphilic antihistamines for cancer treatment
– Jaime Paula -Immunogenicity of cytotoxic T cell-mediated cell death during cancer immunotherapy and its regulation by mutations associated with apoptosis resistance.
– Zimberlin Cheryl– Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors activate FOXOs in order to differentiate and sensitize colon cancer stem cells to chemotherapeutics
– Stephanou Anastasis-Tripterygium wilfordii, Amydalin and Graviola Induce cell death in Cancer Cells but not Normal Cells
– Bornhauser Beat -Concurrent apoptosis and necroptosis by SMAC mimetics eradicates drug resistant leukemia
10:45- 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:45 -Session 6- RIP AND CANCER
Chairs: Peter Vandenabeele / Paul Townsend
– Aguadé-Gorgorió Júlia -A novel role for TNF receptor II in RIP1-dependent SMAC mimetic-induced cell death in leukemia
– Silke John -The caspase-8 inhibitor emricasan combines with the Smac-mimetic birinapant to induce necroptosis and treat Acute Myeloid Leukemia
– Philipp Jost -Evasion of necroptosis and inflammasome activation promotes myeloid leukemogenesis
– Aaes, Tania Løve – RIPK3-dependent necroptosis induces efficient anti-tumor immunity
– Wong Lynn – RIPK3 promotes vascular permeability and angiogenesis independent of the kinase activity
– Eun-Woo Lee Crosstalk between necroptosis signalling and oncogenic signalling
13:15-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 -Session 7- RIP AND INFLAMMATION
Chairs: Mads Gyrd-Hansen/Seamus Martin
– Feltham Rebecca -Mind bomb concomitantly regulates RIPK1 and its opposing deubiquitylase CYLD to prevent cell death during TNF signalling
– Liccardi Gianmaria – The Mitotic Ripoptosome: Guardian of genomic integrity and tissue homeostasis
– Schuler Fabian -Understanding the molecular basis of cell death triggered by inhibition of Check-point kinase 1
– Sladky Valentina -Dissecting the role of caspase-2 in “mitotic catastrophe”
– Annibaldi Alessandro -The E3 Ubiquitin ligases cIAP1 and cIAP2 differentially target RIPK1 to prevent cytokine-mediated apoptosis and necroptosis
– Bouchier-Hayes Lisa -DNA damage induces PIDD-dependent activation of caspase-2 in the nucleolus.
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
19:00 dinner
9:15-10:45 -Session 8- CELL DEATH AND INFLAMMATION
Chairs: Julian Pardo/John Silke
– Martin Seamus – IL-1 family cytokines as the canonical DAMPs and their interplay with neutrophil-derived proteases
– Clancy Danielle -Neutrophil-derived proteases act as amplifiers of inflammation through processing and activation of multiple IL-1 family cytokines.
– Conos Stephanie -Cell death is not essential for caspase-1 mediated Interleukin-1b activation and secretion.
– Hrdinka Matous -RIPK2 active conformation but not its kinase activity is essential for pro-inflammatory signalling
– Lamkanfi Mo – ASC specks are cytosolic platforms for caspase-8 activation and apoptosis that is suppressed by cFLIPL upregulation through the TLR4/TRIF signaling axis
– Terrinoni Alessandro -Luteolin-7-glucoside inhibits IL-22/STAT3 pathway, reducing proliferation, acanthosis and inflammation in keratinocytes and in mouse psoriatic model
10:45-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-13:00 -Session 9- ROLE OF UBIQUITIN IN CELL DEATH
Chairs: Pascal Maier/ Annika Meinander
– Gyrd-Hansen Mads -CYLD limits Lys63- and Met1-linked ubiquitin at receptor complexes to regulate innate immune signaling
– Damgaard Rune Busk -The deubiquitinase OTULIN is an essential negative regulator of inflammation and autoimmunity
– Darding Maurice -Mechanistic insight into how LUBAC deficiency causes embryonic lethality by aberrant TNFR1-mediated endothelial cell death
– Schlicher Lisa -SPATA2 a novel member of the TNFR complex I and interaction partner of CYLD
– Kumar Mohan Aravind -LUBE is a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase conjugating M1-linked chains in NF-kappaB signaling in Drosophila.
– Lionnard Loïc –Trim proteins regulate BFL-1 ubiquitination and degradation
– Zucca Mattia – Ubiquitin binding domains as a tool to investigate PRR signalling complexes
13:00-14:30 Lunch
Social afternoon- Visit to the old city of Anagni
19:00 dinner
Chairs: Katja Simon/ Marion McFarlane
– Desangher Solange -Characterization of a novel pathway regulating α-synuclein expression and neuronal death in Parkinson’s disease
– Granzotto Alberto -Pyruvate prevents the development of age-dependent cognitive deficits in a mouse model of alzheimer’s disease without reducing amyloid and tau pathology
– Delgado M.Eugenia -LRH-1-dependent regulation of TNF alpha-induced liver cell death
– Delvaeye Tinneke -Connexins as a new therapeutic target in the treatment of sepsis
– Townsend Paul Urocortin is chondroprotective through blockade of a non-selective cation channel: novel exploitable pathways for chondrocyte cytoprotection in osteoarthritis
– Xiao Mang MicroRNA (miR)-30 is responsible for radiation-induced apoptosis in mouse and human hematopoietic cells through targeting Mcl-1
10:45-11:15 Coffee Break
Chairs: Cristina Munoz Pinedo/Marja Jäättelä
– Melino Gerry-The p53 tetramer shows an induced-fit interaction of the C-terminal domain with the DNA-binding domain
– Ruiz de Almodovar Carmen -Caspase-8 and FLIP as regulators of developmental angiogenesis
– Widmann Christian -Cellular homeostasis controlled by the caspase-3/RasGAP stress-sensing module
– Hughes Michelle The FLIP side of Death Receptor Signaling: New insights into c-FLIP regulation of Caspase-8
– Faletti Laura -Molecular mechanisms of TNFα sensitization to Fas/CD95-induced apoptosis
– McComb Scott -Multi-Colour LentiCRISPR Gene Disruption Demonstrates Caspase-3 and 7 Redundancy in Promoting Full Caspase-8 Activation and Apoptotic Cell Death
– Mørch Frøsig Merethe -Novel VitaBright™ probes can detect apoptosis based on thiol redox status
13:00-14:30 Lunch
Chairs: Chipuk, Jerry/Mehmet Hussein
– Chipuk Jerry Edward -BAX-dependent mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization: exquisitely regulated to the point of death.
– Dewson Grant -VDAC2 is essential for Bax to efficiently mediate apoptosis
– Reljic Boris – A step closer to understanding Bax/Bak involvement in autophagy
– Riley Joel -An autophagy-independent pathway of mitochondrial clearance
– Jäättelä Marja – Sphingomyelin regulates ATG9A trafficking and autophagosome closure
– Simon Katharina -Autophagy determines the fate of hematopoietic cells
– Gentle Ian -Autophagy
17:00-19:00 Traditional football tournament
20:00 Dinner and party
Dear colleagues
We look forward to welcome you at the next European Workshop On Cell Death (EWCD), which will take place in Fiuggi (Italy) from APRIL 3rd to April 8th 2016. At EWCD meetings all participants are encouraged to present their data in the form of short talks or posters. The selection criteria for presentation of data are based solely on the quality and novelty of research and there are no invited speakers, although many important researchers of the field attend these meetings regularly. This means that the ambience of the meeting is particularly special and the overall atmosphere is very friendly and non-intimidating promoting interactions between senior and younger scientists. This unique environment is reflected in the increasing popularity of the EWCD series.
Topics will include cell death and cancer, death receptor signaling, autophagy, cell death and inflammation, metabolism and cell death.
The cost for each participant will be 450€ and cover registration, accommodation in a double room (full board) and social afternoon (excursion to Anagni).
For students or early career scientists, who face financial problems, a limited number of scholarships are available.
We will soon add further information on our website
Best regards,
10th EWCD organising Committee
Vincenzo De Laurenzi , Michael Hahne and Mads Gyrd-Hansen